My Journey to BECOMING A FINALIST FOR the Kent Women in Business Awards

I've got some incredibly exciting news to share - I have been chosen as a finalist for the Kent Women in Business Awards

This is a huge moment for me, and I'm beyond proud to have been shortlisted for both the Innovation Award and the Women's Champion Award. 

I have to admit, when I first started  my business, I faced my fair share of sceptics. Forest Bathing was often dismissed as "weird" or "woo-woo." But I didn't let that deter me. I pushed forward, determined to share the incredible benefits of connecting with nature in a deep and meaningful way.

I've always been someone bursting with ideas, constantly evolving and growing, a bit like an oak tree that refuses to be confined to a set path. The journey has been exciting and meaningful, each step offering me a lesson in resilience, creativity, and the power of believing in yourself. So the recognition of being placed as a finalist is incredibly affirming and fuels my motivation to keep growing.

The awards ceremony takes place on Friday 8th March which quite aptly is International Womens Day. I’m really looking forward to a fabulous night out surrounded by inspiring women and you can check out all of the other wonderful women I am a finalist with here.

And of course I wouldnt be where I am today without all my amazing clients, followers and supporters who have all joined me on my journey in some shape or form.I want to send huge beams of gratitude out to you all,your encouragement and belief in my vision have meant the world to me.

Here's to chasing our dreams and standing tall like the mighty oak trees we are!

Let’s see if I have any further updates to this blog after the 8th March!

Tansy x


Are you intentional about your life?
